Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did NOT almost run away from a very cute boy man calling me by the wrong name while at Target. He did NOT continue to call me by the wrong name when I gave him a quick smile before I then tried to ignore him and play dumb. I was NOT at all embarrassed for him since he was NOT super excited and did NOT almost come running over to me while I quickly turned and jetted down another aisle. I was NOT at all a little disappointed that this very attractive man had me confused with a girl named Megan. NOT me!

I have NOT been tyring to make more homemade meals for one. I am NOT continually disappointed with my culinary skills and have NOT been continually frustrated with the oh so NOT delicious results. I do NOT have a very chic and updated kitchen to make my above mentioned dinners in. My parents did NOT spend all of their Sunday giving my new kitchen it's amazing results. I am NOT at all grateful for them! I did NOT have a terrible hangover that day and most certainly did NOT slack off at all.

I do NOT keep getting more and more bad news by the day. I do NOT think I am running so low on positive fuel that I do NOT want to just throw my hands up and give up. I am NOT thoroughly confused by the events in my life and the people in it. I do NOT want to sometimes pick up and move to Alaska to be an Eskimo. Having feelings of hopelessness is something that would definitely NOT happen in my life.

What have you been NOT doing lately?


  1. I hope that you get the strength to get through the current struggles in your life without becoming an Eskimo !!! Happy NNM !

  2. That Target story is funny! Never had something like that happen before. I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time. I've been through a divorce and have wanted to move to Alaska many a time. Hang in there!

  3. Loved your not me's...and don't tempt me with Alaska. I hear the male to female ratio there is all in our favor :)
